Study Money-Wise
We’re currently working on a new course which aims to provide Year 12 pupils and their parents and carers, with the skills they need to live away from home whilst studying in undergraduate education.
This will be an opportunity for them to learn together and explore this important journey towards independence.
The course is being developed in collaboration with Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham, Hammersmith Academy and Imperial College London.
We would welcome any schools/students or families to join us in developing what we hope will be a very useful addition to the Funpact Family.
Current ideas for the workshop include:
Opportunities to hear from current university/college students and find out what they wish they knew before moving away to study
Useful tips on budgeting – spending before earning
Q&As about benefits and how they may be affected if a child studies away from home
The Student Loan – what it is, what does it mean and how to apply
Renting accommodation, how to keep safe, what to expect and how to plan
Tips on cooking tasty meals on a budget